Identity Theft (Recovery Coverage)

Have you ever feared your purse, wallet, laptop, tablet or phone getting stolen or misplaced? Have you ever signed into a private or public computer? Have you ever thrown a personal document in the trash? These are just a few ways your identity can be stolen. Just imagine your personal information being used by someone else other than you, you have lost the control of you!
Now imagine this, your wallet was stolen over a month ago. One evening you hear a knock at your door and to your surprise a policy officer is at your door. The police have an arrest warrant for you due to a handful of unpaid speeding tickets. You find out you are a victim of driver license number misuse; how do you prove it wasn’t you?
Identity Theft can happen to anyone, even YOU! Even if you take precautions to protect yourself, your personal information can still be in jeopardy, no matter how hard you try to protect it. Identity theft can be anything from forgery to criminal charges. Some of the most common situations involving personal and wireless identity theft that can happen are:
- Cyber attached
- Internet fraud
- Stolen checks
- ATM fraud
- Counterfeiting and forgery
- Driver license number misuse
- Social Security Number misuse
- Fraudulent change of address
I don’t know where to begin is a common response and victims feel overwhelmed and can experience anxiety, depression and other symptoms when trying to deal with identity theft situations. Listed below are some basic steps you can take to start the recovery process after becoming a victim of identity theft.
- Analyze what’s been stolen
- Discover the source
- Change your passwords
- Contact your institutions
- Inform the police – file a criminal identity theft report
- Check computer for virus
Identity Theft Recovery is an optional coverage on Homeowners Insurance policies; with most insurance companies offering coverage as low as $12 annually or $1 a month. Identity Recovery coverage helps give you a piece of mind; providing you expense reimbursement that occurred after an identity theft. With most insurance companies, help-line assistance and case management are available to you to help you with the process. Claims made under this coverage will have no impact on future premiums.
How will you recover?
For more information or to add to your homeowner’s insurance policy contact:
Delaware Insurance Advisors